Özge Ersu, tourism specialist, professional tourist guide, author and radio documentary producer received a warm welcome at Final International University where he gave a talk entitled “A world tour in 80 minutes”.
Özge Ersu provided a fascinating account of his experiences during his presentation, which was attended by Kyrenia MP İzlem Gürçağ, FIU School of Tourism and Culinary Arts Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nafiya Güden, teachers, academics, students and others interested in the field of tourism.
Tourism expert Özge Ersu provided information about different cultures from all around the world during the two-part 80 minute conference. From city life to memories of safaris in Africa, from well-known country traditions to the origins of common words used in many languages, from the development of vehicles in Daily use for transportation to the history of combat equipment, the participants both learned about and shared their enjoyable experiences.
Enthusiasm to learn in the tourism sector should never end…
In the “A world tour in 80 minutes” conference, scientific research results regarding World eating habits were also included. Özge Ersu emphasised that people should update themselves every minute in the tourism sector and never lose their enthusiasm to learn. He added that tour guides should be open and willing to learn continually from all different fields of endeavour.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
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