Final International University | Final University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic has started accepting patients...

Final University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic has started accepting patients...

Final University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic has begun patient admission. The clinic accepts patients every weekday between 08.00 -18.00 and Saturday between 10.00-16.00. Appointments can be made by contacting (0392) 650 66 78. The Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation  affiliated to the Faculty of Health Sciences of Final University offers undergraduate education.

Final University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic offers disease specific diagnostic evaluations, Professional Posture Assessment, surface and deep EMG recordings. Treatments that can be done at our clinic include; Lumbalgia and cervical pain, Lumbal and cervical hernia, Degenerative arthritis, Osteoporosis, Joint problems and contractures, Sport injuries, Fracture rehabilitation, Pre and postoperative hip, knee and shoulder arthroplasty, Anterior Cruciate ligament pre and postoperative rehabilitation, Meniscus pre and postoperative rehabilitation, muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve injury physical therapy and rehabilitation, Fibromyalgia, Myofacial pain syndrome, trigger point etc., Tendinitis and bursitis, Trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, Dequervein, Dupuytren etc. neuropathic diseases, Rheumatologic diseases, Rehabilitation of hemiplegia or quadriplegia after Stroke, brain and spinal cord injuries, Cerebral Palsy (CP),  Plastic and reconstructive postoperative rehabilitation,, amputee rehabilitation, orthosis and prosthetic training, lymphedema treatment and bandaging training can be carried out with various high level equipment and  tools.

Sedentary Lifestyle Triggers Muscle Disorders

Experts at the Final University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic, which has now started to accept patients, said that;

“The need of treatment for illnesses is increasing in our country. Musculoskeletal disorders are triggered by living conditions, intensive work and sedentary lifestyle. The importance of Physical therapy in major diseases such as cancer and rapid recovery before and after surgery has been proven by studies. Unfortunately, there are very few physiotherapy and rehabilitation clinics in our country that work with a corporate identity and have a transparent fee policy. Therefore, our clinic is open to individuals who want to have the best service from a multidisciplinary point of view, with reasonable fees. In addition, when patients come to our clinic, they can see clearly the cost of each treatment. In this sense, our fees are transparent.”