Final International University | FIU Receives EURHOQUAL Accreditation

FIU Receives EURHOQUAL Accreditation

EURHOQUAL is a European quality measure instrument used for accreditation based on the framework of the European Foundation for Quality Management system and executed by EURHODIP. Founded in 1988 with the objective to create a platform where organizations can learn from the best European based tourism and hospitality education institutions.
Schools in France and Slovenia received their EURHOQUAL accreditation at an earlier stage and that high quality education and training standards has been a catalyst for these schools to receive world class awards as a result. More recently, a school in Switzerland has also started this accreditation. Switzerland is known to have the best hospitality schools in the world, but EURHOQUAL accreditation is important to maintain this quality.
Since its establishment, Final International University (FIU), School of Tourism and Culinary Arts has been working to develop its education structure in a way that will follow the standards of these world-renowned quality institutions and comply with the requirements of important accreditation institutions.
On 18 October, EURHOQUAL Accreditation Team Leader Henri Magne visited Northern Cyprus and FIU Selvili and Serinli Campuses for field observation.
In the words of team leader Magne, "FIU is a growing university with an excellent system. The School of Tourism and Culinary Arts greatly benefits from DMG's excellent network and a highly qualified lecturers who are passionate about educating and developing international individuals. "
FIU management and School of Tourism and Culinary Arts Director are expected to attend the EURHODIP Conference to be held in Evora, Portugal, between 9 – 13 November 2022 to obtain the accreditation.
School of Tourism and Culinary Arts Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nafiya Güden thanked her team for their painstaking work in the accreditation process, underlining that they strive for their passion for raising graduates who will be leaders not only in the management of the tourism industry, but also in sustaining the environment, society and economy.
Dimağ Caginer, Chairman of the Board of Trusteesof FIU, and Rector Prof. Dr Hüseyin Yaratan stated that 'this accreditation is the first international accreditation of the university, but other faculties and schools of FIU are continuing their efforts for quality accreditations such as Eurhoqual. Çağner thanked the director of School of Tourism and Culinary Arts for her success and conveyed that his support will continue to all other faculties and colleges that continue their accreditation processes.