Final International University | Student Council Board of Directors Election was Held

Student Council Board of Directors Election was Held

FIU faculty and school student representatives attended a meeting hosted by the FIU election committee on 29.11.2022 in the university senate meeting room. The representatives shared their platforms and ideas. The election results is as follows;

Student Council Board of Directors

President: Burak Tuncer (Faculty of Arts and Sciences)

General Secretary: Cavit Can Bardakçi (Faculty of Educational Sciences)

Members: Saadetnur Doğru (Vocational School Of Justice), Kübra Kirk (Faculty of Pharmacy), Filiz Numanoğlu (School of Tourism and Culinary Arts)


Board of Auditors

President: Berivan Berfin Kaya (School of Physical Education and Sports)

Vice-presidents: Eren Akter (Faculty of Health Sciences), Chyngyz Akunov (School of Foreign Languages)