Final International University | Award Ceremony for Gastronomy Champions!

Award Ceremony for Gastronomy Champions!

The instructors and students of the International Final University Gastronomy and Culinary Arts program were congratulated and presented with plaques by the university administration. President of TRNC Hoteliers Association and Chairman of FIU Board of Trustees, Mr. Dimağ Çağıner and FIU Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yaratan, congratulated the director of School of Tourism and Culinary Arts Assoc. Dr. Nafiya Güden for her achievements and presented their plaques to the Gastronomy and Culinary Arts program instructors Kemal Ferit and Selim Yeşilpınar and their students.
In the 19th International Istanbul Gastronomy Festival, organized by the Turkish Cooks and Chefs Federation (TAŞFED) with the participation of 1300 people from 19 countries, International Final University Gastronomy students achieved a great success by winning 4 gold and 4 silver medals.

Alperen Atalay won a gold medal with his 'pumpkin-filled ravioli' in the University Cook Pasta category. Hüseyin Gali won a gold medal with his 'lamb tenderloin accompanied by marrow crumbs' in the University Main Meal category.  Nurettin Yüce won a gold medal in the University Chef Main Meal category with his 'duck breast in grape sauce'. Sevilay Yücelen won a gold medal with 'modernized bread kadayıf' in University Cook Dessert category. Zafer İsa Tosun won a silver medal with 'chard-wrapped sea bass' in University Cook Fish category. Finally, Sevilay Yücelen, Hüseyin Gali and Zafer İsa Tosun won a silver medal in the team competition they entered in the Modern Turkish Cuisine category.

Director of the School of Tourism and Culinary Arts Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nafiya Güden said, "I congratulate the students and the instructors who prepared them for this success, thank them for representing our country in this way and wish them continued success."