On June 1, 2023, Thursday, the "1st Student Symposium" was organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy. The symposium featured oral and poster presentations by undergraduate and graduate students from seven Pharmacy Faculties in Northern Cyprus, offering a rich academic and scientific content. The symposium was attended by Prof. Dr. Müberra Koşar, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at EMU, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Hamurtekin, the Vice Dean. Also present were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özer Yörüker, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the HSSUC, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asım Eğitmen, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the CIU as well as faculty members and students from the Faculty of Pharmacy at NEU and EUL. The presentations by the students were attentively listened to. At the end of the symposium, the "Best Oral Presentation Award" was given to Nyasha Ziswa, a doctoral student from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at NEU. The "Best Poster Award" was awarded to Mona Mahfouz, a doctoral student from the HSSUC.
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