Between the dates of November 8-10, the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts of the International Final University organized the "Autumn Design Week." Participants included faculty members and students from Final International University, Near East University, Cyprus Bahçeşehir University, Girne University, and International Cyprus University. Within this event, fourteen different design games were conceptualized.
On the first day, the opening of the new architecture studio and printing center, by our General Secretary Bülent Taşel and our Rector Hüseyin Yaratan, along with a speech of the rector took place. Afterward, students registered for their chosen activities and received preliminary information.
In the afternoon, the event began with Emin Çizenel's installation game. Starting with Çizenel inviting students to play a game with him and asking them to place origami phoenixes on canvases. The adventure continued with Çizenel creating patterns with candle soots between the phoenixes and developing a narrative. He burned the phoenixes and candle soots on the canvas, symbolizing the rebirth of the Phoenix from its ashes. Students continued the process with candle soots, writings, and paintings on the canvas.
In the end, when the canvas was finished, the message became clear: "No to war; we want peace worldwide." The most significant request voiced by all students during their interaction with the Earth was the desire for peace, whether they were from Ghana, Cyprus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Congo, Kenya, Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Ivery Coast, Eritre or many other cultures. The common sentiment on Earth was a demand for peace.
Çizenel became the initiator of a process that all students were proud of, seeing a reflection of themselves in the shared outcome.
On the second and third days, production began in the registered activities.
Atiyeh Mohammadzadeh's (ICU) documentation workshop involved compiling videos from all activities over three days.
M.Arch Denis Kolozali's (Girne University) virtual reality workshop focused on students entering designs created in virtual space.
Rasha Tarbush and Dilem Uzunoğlu's (CBU) workshop "Architecture Runaway" the students transformed important architectural structures or details as clothing, ready for a fashion show.
Pooya Lotfabadi and Kasra Talebian's (FIU) "Tower from Pasta" workshop involved creating towers from pasta, after being toppled with a lemon, one tower awarded 1st place
Parastoo Pourvahidi's (ICU) "Egg Drop" workshop required students to construct structures around raw eggs using only rubber bands, and the most durable egg structure, which didn't break after being dropped from the pharmacy faculty balcony, received 1st place.
Aminreza Iranmanesh's (FIU) "From Chaos to Form" workshop turned the use of artificial intelligence in architecture into a game, where students to create designs with different architect’s collaborated approaches.
Zeynep Onur and Kamiar Yazdani's (FIU) workshop "Who Am I" concluded with a fashion show where students reflected who they were through costumes and masks.
Pooya Lotfabadi's (FIU) "Sustainable Art Objects from Waste Materials" workshop, which resulted in an exhibition of art objects made from waste materials, emphasized the importance of sustainability.
Soad Abokhamis Mousavi and Fatemeh Ghafari Tavasoli's (FIU) workshop “Archi-Kids” involved working with children aged 2-12 on topics such as wall painting, city and structure, and designs with colors.
Rasiha Kayalar's (FIU) origami butterfly workshop created a cheerful atmosphere when students hung colorful origami butterflies in the architecture studio.
Derin Işıkören and Serkad Işıkören's (NEU) workshop "Binary Oppositions" was about creating T-shirts with visual representations of symbolic expressions of different emotions.
In the photo contest announced by Aminreza Iranmanesh (FIU), the student who took the best photo at the Final University received the 1st place award.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
Beşparmaklar Avenue, No: 6, Çatalköy, Girne, KKTC
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