As part of World Cancer Week, Final International University organised a hike as well as a seminar about the dangers of smoking. Participants in the Sunday 9th April “Near Nature, Far From Cancer’’ hike in Alevkayasi included university faculty members, employees, students and members of the public.
Smoking Takes 11-12 Years From Smokers’ Lives
In the accompanying seminar held on the same day in Final International University’s Conference Hall, Assistant Prof. Dr. Burak Kavuklu addressed the harmful effects of smoking on human health. He emphasized that a non-smoker had a %70 chance to live until the age of 80 while for a smoker this percentage was %35. Statistical data, he noted, showed that smoking took 12 years from male smokers and 11 years from female smokers.
The Torment Of Smoking
Dr. Kavuklu surveyed the history of cigarettes as well as the marketing strategies employed to increase sales. He pointed out that the tobacco plant was the most poisonous plant, and avoided even by animals. He also looked at the reasons people smoke and how what starts as an enjoyable habit turns into addiction and to the torment of trying to give the habit up.
Even One Cigarette May Cause a Heart Attack
Noting that one cigarette contains more than four harmful substances, Kavuklu stated that even a single cigarette could cause a heart attack because it caused a third of the vessels in the body to contract. Kavuklu also emphasized that the smokers be determined to quit smoking as well as focusing on the diseases caused by the habit.
Individuals Aged 15 And Over Are Addicted To Smoking In North Cyprus
Dr. Kavuklu shared statistical data showing that individuals in North Cyprus over 15 years old were addicted to smoking. He pointed out that the Turkish Cypriot population was ranked third in the European ranks in terms of smoking, and that the rate of smoking was 46% for males and 27% for females. Kavuklu added that the rate of smoking in the 15-16 age group was 11%, 20% in 17-18 age group, 26% in the 19-23 age group, 40% in the 24-29 age group and 49% in 30-39 age group. Dr. Kavuklu said that these rates reduced to 40 percent in the 40-59 age group and to 30 percent in the post-60 age group.
Together With Nature
In looking at the importance of an active lifestyle and natural nutrition in the prevention of cancer, the "Near Nature, Far From Cancer " hike organized by Final International University comprised a 3 kilometre walk intended to raise public awareness and encourage informed lifestyle choices to prevent cancer.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
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