Final International University | “Conference On Economic Developments And Expectations in The World, in Turkey And In The TRNC’’ to Include Participation of The Prime Minister, Hüseyin Özgürgün As Well As The Turkish Vice Premier, Mehmet Şimşek

“Conference On Economic Developments And Expectations in The World, in Turkey And In The TRNC’’ to Include Participation of The Prime Minister, Hüseyin Özgürgün As Well As The Turkish Vice Premier, Mehmet Şimşek

Final International University is holding its third Economic Conference on April 29, 2017; the first and second were organized in cooperation with the TRNC Central Bank and the Turkish Cypriot Economic Authority last year and covered "Developments in the World Economy" and "Banking in the World, Turkey and the TRNC", respectively.

This year’s conference will start with opening speeches by TRNC Prime Minister, Hüseyin Özgürgün and Turkish Vice-premier, Mehmet Şimşek, and will be held on April 29, 2017 Saturday at 14.00 at the Acapulco Resort Convention Hotel, Academia Conference Hall.

The opening address for FIU will be conducted by Final International University’s Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ercan Uygur. The conference will then continue with academic presentations and evaluations. Prof. Dr. Asaf Savaş Akat from Bilgi University, the President of the Turkish Economy, the Vice Rector of the Final International University Prof. Dr. Ercan Uygur, Prof. Dr Seyfettin Gürsel from Bahçeşehir University and Prof. Dr. Vedat Yorucu from Eastern Mediterranean University will all participate in the conference as speakers. The conference will be open to all public participation.