Anafartalar High School students were welcomed at Final International University for a seminar on "Strategic Thinking in Career Selection’’. First of all, the students visited the university campus and then a presentation was conducted in the conference hall, providing students with guidance in choosing universities and departments. After the presentation, the students were able to meet Final International University faculty for further discussion and questions.
In the seminar, FIU Board of Trustees Member and Dean of the Educational Sciences Faculty, Prof. Dr. Cem Birol emphasized the necessity for strategic thinking in university selection, considering in particular making choices based on abilities. Dr. Birol also noted that in addition to our strong infrastructure, Final International University also provided students with well-known and specialized teaching staff all able to expand the vision of our students.
Final International University Minimizes Student Anxiety with Job Guarantees
Despite the fact that Final International University is a young university, Birol emphasized that FIU was set up by two organizations with a deep-rooted background in education and tourism, and able to provide employment opportunities for FIU students. Prof. Birol pointed out that unemployment, one of the wounds of North Cyprus and Turkey, caused various anxieties for students at the beginning of their education of the students, particularly regarding the relevance of their education to economic life. Dr. Birol explained that these concerns were minimized by the job guarantee given by the university to students with a GPA of two-and-a-half. He noted that the job guarantee document, which was notarized when they enrolled as students, was a sign of FIU’s seriousness in this regard. With a total of fifteen departments, thirteen approved by The Turkish Higher Education Council and the other two by the North Cyprus Higher Education, Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council, Dr. Birol also emphasized that students had the opportunity to make choices in accordance with their interests.
Professional Choice in Accordance with Our Interests Is Important
Dr. Birol also recommended to students preparing to select a university that “It is very important to think strategically and to determine our goals well.’’ Stating that students who determined their talents and interests with the help of guidance teachers then needed to determine which occupational area would suit them, Birol said that the next step was to identify the educational institution where they would be strategically trained, concluding that: "We need to identify the relationship between education and strategic thinking and capture new opportunities in that process. This is the essence of science and life and economics."
Scholarship and Placement Examination On June 2
Announcing that Final International University Scholarship and Placement Examination would be held on Friday, June 2, 2017, Prof. Dr. Cem Birol also gave some information about the scholarship opportunities. He noted that the university which had a special wage policy for students in Cyprus had scholarship opportunities of up to one hundred percent.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
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