Final International University will host the Vice Premier of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Mehmet Şimşek for the third Economic Conference.
Mr. Şimşek will make the opening speech of the conference, which will start on Saturday, April 29 at 14.00 at Acapulco Hotel, to be followed by TRNC Prime Minister, Mr. Hüseyin Özgürgün, and the Vice-Rector of FIU, Prof. Dr. Ercan Uygur. Presenters at the conference will also include the prominent Economics expert, Prof. Dr. Asaf Savaş Akat of Bilgi University, the Vice Rector of Final International University, Prof. Dr. Seyfettin Gürsel from Başakşehir University, and the President of the Cyprus Economic Association and EMU’s Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Vedat Yorucu.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
Beşparmaklar Avenue, No: 6, Çatalköy, Girne, KKTC
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