The Vice Rector of Final International University Prof. Dr. Ercan Uygur was a guest on the “Ayrıntı’’ program, broadcast on Channel T. Evaluating the steps required to be taken in the TRNC in the light of global economic developments, Dr. Uygur pointed out the importance of savings in terms of the national economy. He also noted that the level of education had increased in parallel with the increase in savings. Evaluating the outcomes of the Economic Conferences held by Final International University, Uyghur stated that these economic conferences would continue in the future.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
Beşparmaklar Avenue, No: 6, Çatalköy, Girne, KKTC
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