Final International University | Doğan Cüceloğlu Gives First Lecture of the New FIU Academic Year

Doğan Cüceloğlu Gives First Lecture of the New FIU Academic Year

At the Final International University 2017-2018 Opening Ceremony, the first lecture of the new academic year was given by Doğan Cüceloğlu on the subject of child education.

The opening ceremony began with a speech by FIU Rector, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak in which he outlined the University’s commitments to internationalization, to the European Higher Education Area standards, and international accreditation. FIU now has students from 23 different countries, as well as increasing number of students from Turkey following recognition of FIU programs by the Higher Educational Council of Turkey. Dr Öztoprak also discussed the FIU priority of securing graduate employment, through student-centered education and the delivery of practical employment-orientated skills. The collaboration between the Final Group and DMG is now planning not only new programs but a major new campus for the university.

The ceremony continued with Doğan Cüceloğlu’s lecture. The prominent educational psychologist shared his experiences and research into child psychology to a fully-packed conference hall, and expressed his pleasure at becoming part of the ‘Final Project’.