FIU has hosted the 19th National Economics Symposium of the Turkish Economy Association in collaboration with the Turkish Economy Foundation and the Turkish Cypriot Economic Authority. The symposium, entitled "Economic Decisions and Policies in Times of Uncertainty: Economies of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", took place over two days, and the opening ceremony was attended by Mehmet Emin Ozcan, former Director of the Central Bank of the TRNC and Vakıflar Bank General Manager, Mehmet Emin Özcan, Member of the Board of the Central Bank of the TRNC Çiğdem Koğar, President of the Turkish Economy Association, FIU Vice Rector Ercan Uygur and FIU Rector, Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak, as well as many other representatives from economy, banking and academia circles.
Amongst the many notable highlights of the event was a presentation by the Vice President of the Turkish Cypriot Economic Association, Dr. Vedat Yorucu, ranging over such issues as US Central Bank policy, fluctuations in exchange rates and the price of oil and gas, and political uncertainties caused by terrorism. Koğar: "The Draft of the Banking Law Must Be the Best of the Time". Meanwhile, TRNC Central Bank Board Member Çiğdem Koğar discussed the negative effect of uncertainty on sustainable growth and the need to effectively regulate the TRNC banking sector though a new banking law, currently under preparation.
Mehmet Emin Özcan, former President of the Central Bank of the TRNC and Vakıflar Bank General Manager Mehmet Emin Özcan looked at how Turkey and North Cyprus can benefit from the changes and transformations taking place in the world with reference to credit guarantee funds and tax-related measures.
Dr. Ercan Uygur, President of the Turkish Economy Institute and Vice Rector of Final International University thanked FIU for hosting the Symposium and helping to create an environment where economic problems in North Cyprus can be discussed by economists, particularly in the light of current uncertainties in the world, such as growth, foreign exchange, interest and geopolitical uncertainties.
FIU Rector, Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak expressed his pleasure in hosting the Symposium, noting that international relations and monetary policies in Turkey and in our country affect all countries. He stated his belief that the conference, would make important contributions through its scientific approach to the issues at stake. He noted also that such events were also important for the education of the students, particularly those studying economics and social sciences.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
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