In another collaboration between the worlds of academia and industry at Final International University, our students were able to benefit from the experience of Ogechi Obaegbulam, the internet security officer of Gigabyte Ltd.
Obaegbulam described how developments in the digital world have changed education, social activity, lifestyles and responsibilities, and accordingly driven the need for change. Obaegbulam said that students should be able to adapt themselves to the technology and the opportunities and new possibilities it offered. The seminar overviewed the importance of certification, and industrial experience, as well as establishing and participating in professional and mentoring networks.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
Beşparmaklar Avenue, No: 6, Çatalköy, Girne, KKTC
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