Final International University Spring Festival 2018 (FINALFEST 2018) concluded with a magnificent concert by the Turkish retro group, Retrobüs. retro. During the two-hour concert, held on the FIU campus, the group ran through a full repetoire of popular 60s '70s and 80s' favorites, including numbers by Cem Karaca, Baris Manco, and Muslum Gürses. songs, The festival was held in an enthusiastic atmosphere with dance shows and songs from students from different countries. This feast of entertainment also included dance shows and performances from FIU students.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
Beşparmaklar Avenue, No: 6, Çatalköy, Girne, KKTC
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