According to the results of the study, the English language is seen as Lingua Franca (ELF) and the culture of it and the culture of every student from different communities must be touched upon in the language programs.
A language and culture teaching research was conducted at the Final International University at the School of Foreign Languages Department. The study that was conducted for language instructors aimed at revealing the extent to which the cultures of students from different communities and the English culture were integrated into teaching practices and how the teaching of culture was perceived as a foreign language by the instructors. Four (4) British, one (1) Pakistani, one (1) Iranian, and five (5) Turkish instructors participated for the research that was conducted in the Final International University classes with students from thirty (30) different countries.
The research has revealed many interesting results
According to the results of the scientific study that has recently been shared with the academic community in Croatia at the 6th International Language Conference - Language in Focus - LIF2019, 100% of the language instructors teach cultural aspects while teaching the foreign language; as presenting information about daily life and routines, improving students' ability to empathize with people living in other cultures and developing attitudes to be tolerant to other cultures. Besides, as a result of face-to-face interviews with the participants, 81.8% of language teachers perceived culture teaching as the main element when teaching the English language and they pointed out that this factor cannot be excluded from language teaching.
Another interesting result of the study which revealed the preferences of eleven (11) language instructors from the Final University is that while 71.81% of the participants study daily lessons, they give priority to daily life routines, living conditions, food and drink, education, professional life, music, drama, and art. These subjects are followed by traditions and customs, folk dance, touristic activities, history, geography, political system, international relations, and beliefs.
The research findings support the fact that the English language is seen as Lingua Franca (ELF), its culture and the culture of students from other communities in the classroom should be taken into consideration.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
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