The “summer school” program, attended by youngsters between the ages of 14-18, was completed at Final International University. In the summer school program, where intensive English lessons and social activities were offered together, students had the opportunity to develop themselves. Participants who completed the program were given their certificates at the ceremony.
The Final University “Summer School” Program, which is held every year in order to improve participants' English language skills and enjoy learning through various projects and interactive activities, was completed this year with young people from Turkey. The certificates of the students who completed the summer school program were given by the Rector of FIU, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak. At the certificate ceremony, the vice-Rector of FIU, Prof. Dr. Gülşen Musayeva Vefalı, Summer School Coordinator, Mehmet Kayruhan and academics who taught at the summer school were present.
A combination of educational and social activities…
The “Summer School Program”, where education and social activities were planned together, participants had the opportunity to encounter many new experiences. The summer school students also experienced the cooking of traditional Cypriot dishes in the course they attended in the Gastronomy Kitchen of FIU. At the end of the course, they received their certificates of participation from the Director of the School of Tourism and Culinary Arts of FIU, Assist. Prof. Dr. Nafiya Güden.
“We are an assertive University in language education and quality teaching…”
A certificate ceremony was held at the end of the program where the students met with the rector of Final International University, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Y. Öztoprak. In his speech, Öztoprak stated that they were happy to welcome young participants in Northern Cyprus for the FIU Summer School Program at their universities. Prof. Dr. Öztoprak emphasized that foreign language skills are very important in both education and professional life and congratulated the youngsters who participated in this program, their families and teachers who encouraged them to improve themselves. Rector, Prof. Dr. Öztoprak also emphasized that they are an assertive University in language education and said that the priority given to the quality of the education programs can be understood from the English education programs they carry out.
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi
İFU Eğitim Kurumları Limited
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