Final International University | Final International University " A Summer Tale " hosted summer camp students”¦

Final International University " A Summer Tale " hosted summer camp students”¦

Final International University Lifelong Learning Centre (Final life) hobby courses continue with different  concepts and guests. This week's guests of the courses held in the University's Gastronomy Kitchen were the children of the C-Quals English and French Language School (Cyprus Quality Education & Language / C-Quals) summer camp,  themed “A Summer Tale”.  The summer camp was attended by 18 children between the ages of 8-10 from Turkey and Cyprus. Students made Cookies during the hobby course, which was also aimed at the development of their English language skills. The cookie-making course was given by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Selay Uzmen Özgül, lecturer at Pre-school teaching program  in FIU. At the end of the course, participants were given certificates approved by the Ministry of Education and presented  by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nafiya Güden, the director of Tourism and Culinary Arts School at FIU and the general secretary of EURODIP.