Final International University | Final International University “Mathematics is everywhere” poster competition for High School students

Final International University “Mathematics is everywhere” poster competition for High School students

Final International University Mathematics Club is organizing a poster competition among high schools in TRNC with the theme “Mathematics is everywhere". High school students in year 9, 10, 11 and 12 will be able to participate in the competition. Every year, 14 March was celebrated as “Pi Day” with various scientific activities. The proclamation of March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics (IDM) was adopted by the 40th General Conference of UNESCO in November 2019. The theme of the first "International Mathematics Day” which will be celebrated all around the world this year is “Mathematics is everywhere”. The official website of the International Day of Mathematics ( summarizes the theme as:

Mathematics is everywhere in science and technology”, “Mathematics is everywhere in the organization of the civilization”, “Mathematics is essential to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals” and “Mathematics is everywhere in whatever you do”.

Topics related to theme;

  • Mathematics is behind geolocation techniques, from navigation with stars to GPS.
  • Mathematics is behind the software of our smartphones.
  • Mathematics makes your retirement system sustainable.
  • Realistic animated films are made with mathematics.
  • Do you want to visit Mars one day? It is impossible without mathematics.

The rules and regulations for the “Mathematics is everywhere” - themed poster competition organized by Final International University Mathematics Club are as follows:

Competition Rules

  1. Posters must be A2 size. Posters of other sizes will not be accepted.
  2. Posters sent online must have a resolution of 300 dpi.
  3. Posters must be original content created for this competition. Do not submit a poster that has been submitted elsewhere or previously awarded through any means.
  4. Each participant can submit only one poster.
  5. The content of the poster must cover the theme “Mathematics is everywhere”. In this context, one or at most two of the topics mentioned above should be included on a single poster.
  6. The poster should not contain too much text. A strong visual message must be given.
  7. Posters can be drawn by hand or by using a computer.
  8. Winning posters will be announced on the web page,, on Friday 13.03.2020.
  9. The last entry date for the competition is Friday 06.03.2020. Posters submitted after this date will not be evaluated.
  10. The competition is open year 9, 10, 11 and 12 students.
  11. In the competition, the first prize winner will be awarded 1000 TL, the second prize winner will be awarded 500 TL, and the third prize winner will be awarded 250 TL.

Poster Submission Requirements
Posters must be sent to [email protected] or posted to "Final International University Çatalköy-Kyrenia” mail address; indicating the participant's name, surname, contact details, class and school details.

Jury Members

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülnur YEL (Final University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Primary School Mathematics Teaching, Lecturer)
  • Dr. Hasan ÖZDAL (Final University, Faculty of Engineering, Computer Engineering, Lecturer)
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Soad ABOKHAMIS MOUSAVI (Final University Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, Lecturer)
  • Hacer MURATOĞLU (TRNC Ministry of National Education and Culture, Mathematics Supervisor)