Final International University | Important Announcement

Important Announcement

Based on the TRNC Council of Ministers decisions numbered E.S. (K-I)175-2021 in the published Official Newspaper dated February 13, 2021, regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and the circumstances, the Senate of our University has taken the following decisions for the 2020 – 2021 Spring semester:

  • In order to ensure effective social distance and hygiene conditions within the scope of existing physical facilities during the epidemic, a hybrid model with a rotational attendance will be implemented for students who arrive in the TRNC to continue their education.
  • In all programs, a face-to-face education model will be applied in all of the practical courses.
  • A hybrid model with a rotational attendance will be applied in all of the theoretical courses in all programs.
  • • Students who cannot attend the applied lessons, which will be held face to face, will be able to take these lessons in the first semester when the lessons are opened (excluding the summer semester) without paying additional fees. However, while planning, students should be careful not to extend the total duration of their education.

In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3 of the decisions of the Council of Ministers:

  • Students who are enrolled in year 2 and 3 and irregular students in Special Education Teaching / Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation programs will do their theoretical courses in a hybrid model with a rotational attendance system, and their practical courses with a face-to-face educational model.
  • Students who are enrolled in year 1, 2, and 3, irregular students, and students who will be graduating by the end of the Spring 2020-21 semester of the School of Physical Education and Sports / School of Tourism and Culinary Arts will do their theoretical lessons in the hybrid model with a rotational attendance system, and their practical courses with a face-to-face educational model.
  • Teaching practice courses in programs under the Faculty of Education will be held in schools affiliated to the TRNC Ministry of Education. However, students who have to stay in Turkey will be able to apply these courses in Final Educational Institutions.


  • PCR test and quarantine fees for students who will come to TRNC for the Spring semester 2020-2021 will be covered by the Government.
  • These decisions may change according to the development and course of the global epidemic.

”‹Final International University Rectorate