Final International University | Announcement


Dear Students,

2020-2021 Spring Semester re-sit Examinations will be held between 27-28 June 2021. There is no fee for re-sit exams at our university.

Who can attend the re-sit exams?

  • Students who have attended the final exams at the end of the semester and who have received grades D- and F from the courses they have taken in that semester. These students need to apply from to participate in the re-sit exams. The re-sit exam calendar will be published on our web page. 
  • Students who have received an NG Grade cannot take a re-sit exam from the courses in which they receive an NG grade in.
  • Students who have completed their 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester with a GPA below 1.50 and and students who have completed their 5th, 6th and 7 th semester with a GPA below 1.80 and received D, D+ and C – from the courses they have taken recently can take the re-sit exams in order to increase their average. These students are required to apply to their advisors by specifying which courses they want to complete. These students cannot take the re-sit exams without applying to their advisors. The application has to be done between 24-26 June.

Registrar’s Office